Ken Gentry Teaches Panpsychism
By Jeffrey Vaughn
March 20, 2023
"God will not endure a rebellious universe forever." - Kenneth L. Gentry
Gentry's article, "On Defining 'Hyperpreterism,'" March 17, 2023, is mostly a rehash of old arguments that he and others have made against Full Preterism. Gentry continues to ignore the answers given and refuses to engage Full Preterist counter-arguments.
But he ended the article with something new. For Gentry, the physical universe is in rebellion. Rebellion requires will. Rebellion requires mind.
Christianity has long taught that mind comes from God, that mind sets humans apart from the animals, the plants, and the rocks.
Atheists have been split on this issue for generations. Some say mind is just another manifestation of matter. This belief drives the view that humans are merely machines.
Others teach panpsychism -- that mind is not a manifestation of matter, but that all matter has mind. The human mind is merely a manifestation of this mind of the physical universe. This view implies that human "sin" is part of the physical universe.
Most panpsychists believe there is nothing for the universe to rebel against. But Gentry believes the universe is rebelling against God. Gentry believes the rocks are in rebellion. It's as if when Jesus said, "the rocks will cry out," they refused. Thus, Gentry believes that the final destiny of the universe is to be "confined to eternal hell."
I never expected this from the man who taught me Full Preterism. It is sad to see how far he has fallen simply to defend his traditions from Full Preterism.
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by Kenneth L. Gentry
Essentially anyone who claims that his preterism does not hold to: (1) a future bodily return of Christ; (2) a future bodily resurrection of the dead; and (3) a future, final judgment of all men is a HYPERpreterist.
There are many other features in hyperpreterism that are erroneous, but these strike at the very heart of Christianity in denying the historic, universal consensus of the Christian faith since its beginning. Hyperpreterism has many permutations and internal squabbles, especially over the resurrection of the body (which they can't get sorted out among themselves).
Eschatology is not an appendage to theology. It is actually a fundamental aspect of redemption itself, showing the fullness of Christ's redeeming work for his people and God's creation. It highlights God's redeeming both soul AND body (which compose what man is and has been from the beginning) -- and even the fullness of God's creation as sin is brought under God's eternal wrath and removed from the operational universe. Thus at the end of history, when the Final Judgment occurs sin will no longer affect the lives of God's people or impact God's creation being confined to eternal hell. God will not endure a rebellious universe forever.
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