Scorpions and Eschatology
Jeff Durbin Interviews Ken Ham on Apologia August 23, 2024
Jeff Durbin from Apologia Ministries did a recent interview with Ken Ham from Answers in Genesis. I thought the discussion might be helpful for preterists to understand how Genesis views impact Eschatology conclusions. Let's start with a clip of the question to Ken Ham about how God will redeem all creation, including scorpions, in the future:
Scorpions and Eschatology
Did you know that Ken Ham and the Young-Earth Creationists teach that scorpions can be your pet in the New Heavens and New Earth? Watch this answer from the interview:
Did Jeff Durbin Forget the Meaning of the New Heaven and New Earth?
What is most remarkable is that it appears Jeff Durbin agreed with this futurist view of the New Heavens and New Earth when it was presented by Ken Ham. Just remember what Jeff Durbin used to teach about the New Heavens and New Earth in this old sermon:
The New Covenant Heavens & Earth, Pt. 1
Did Jeff Durbin forget about his very own preterist view while indulging Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis on his show? Or perhaps Durbin’s partial preterism is the logical result of his Young-Earth Creationism beliefs about Genesis?
The interview continues with more claims from Ken Ham. Did you know that Young-Earth Creationism teaches that no bugs and insects were taken on Noah's ark?
No Bugs or Insects or Scorpions on Noah's Ark
Must have sucked to be a bug during Noah's day! All the birds and other animals that eat bugs and insects must have been very hungry during the flood that lasted many months... (Does Ken Ham think this stuff through?)
Romans 8 teaches our physical world is groaning? We live in a cursed world awaiting the redemption of all Creation? Full preterists might want to consider how Young-Earth Creationism contradicts the fulfilled view of Bible prophecy. But if Romans 8 was fulfilled by AD 70, and the Creation was redeemed at the end of the age, then Young-Earth Creationism has been proven false -- by Scripture.
Jeff Durbin may want to think about how his preterist views present a self contradiction to the Young-Earth Creationism he promotes.
Beyond Creation Science would be the right place to start when it comes to the implications of preterism for the Genesis Debate.
Blessings, Tim Martin
P.S. The clip below shows how Ken Ham believes in climate change. He insists that it is due to Adam’s sin and Noah's Flood.
Ken Ham Believes Climate Change is Due to Adam's Sin and Noah's Flood
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