Critical Review by:

Erika Roland,


"I have always been fascinated by the end times.  In fact, in high school I set to memorizing the entire Olivet Discourse (Matt 24.) I believed God was going to rescue us from this evil world.  I never studied it carefully, though, because reading Revelations was too confusing. My dad was super knowledgeable. More than once, he would draw a timeline for us about what was to happen in the end.  I read most of the Left Behind series, and in Jr. High and Sr. High youth group I watch several of the “scare-you-into-getting-saved” films about the rapture and being beheaded.

This past summer at church Riley was giving away free copies of book, Beyond Creation Science.  I took it because I was going on a trip and needed something to read.  Besides, free is good, right?  Well, I couldn’t put it down.

Now it all makes sense. Really. Finally, all of the parables don’t seem strange, I understand them.  The New Testament has come alive.  I finally understand the context that Jesus and the writers of the New Testament were coming from.  I understand!  And I’m hungry!  I can’t put the Bible down."


Erika Roland,


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