Critical Review by:

Brian Schwertley,

(Editor's Note: Schwertley offers his extended comments related to Beyond Creation Science in Chapter 1 of his online article titled: Preterism Refuted Part 2: The Resurrection of the Body. See footnotes 14-22)


"In this section this author is referring to the arguments of the full preterist book Beyond Creation Science: New Covenant Creation by Timothy P. Martin and Jeffrey L. Vaughn (Whitehall, MT: Apocalyptic Vision Press, 2001, 05). On page 217 they write, 'Physical death existed, outside the boundaries of the garden, at the very least, in order to serve as a spiritual warning to Adam. Death had to exist before the fall if Adam was to be informed in some manner about what God meant by the threat of death'...
We have seen in this brief excursus that there are no good reasons for abandoning the traditional orthodox understanding of the creation and the fall. The full preterist heresy teaches us a very important lesson: that a radical, foundational perversion of eschatology leads to a heretical perversion of protology—the history of the beginning."


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