David Curtis Preaches the Gospel of Flat Earth Cosmology


Berean Bible Church
Virginia Beach, Virginia
February, 2023




Part 1: Sermon Text - Genesis 1:1-17


(Transcipt Available Here)

David Curtis Teaches Flat Earth because the Bible Teaches Flat Earth (Clip)




Part 2: Sermon Text - Psalm 19:1-6


(Transcipt Available Here)




"Going to be a battle between Covenant Creation and us, basically" - Dr. Jordan Grant, Q&A Session, Part 2

Direct Video Clip Here





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Covenant Creation As Taught by Pastor David Curtis





Update: David Curtis Teaches Everlasting, Perpetual Curse




Berean Bible Church
Virginia Beach, Virginia
September, 2023




"The Curse of Genesis 3 (Genesis 3:16-19)" 







"Did the punishment God gave to Adam and Eve have everlasting effects?
Do they all continue even to this day?"




"Adam was in Eden. He is in this beautiful garden full of fruits, vegetables, but now the ground is cursed. And now there is going to be problems raising food. And God made his life very hard, man's life in regard to this. No more easy, you know, in the garden they're picking fruit from the trees and eating. They're just enjoying life. Now it is going to be hard. Now it is going to be painful labor working the ground among thorns and thistles to produce enough to keep you alive."






"Yes, the Lord returned in A.D. 70, and yet the ground curse still is in effect."






"When you live your life dedicated to Christ, seeking to walk in the Spirit, and honor God in all your decisions you make and everything about your life, it's going to be a blessed life even though the curse is still there. That's my take on it, people. I think the curse is still around."


UPDATE -October 2024:

Don Preston and Larry Seigle Discuss the Curse on Adam 






The reader should note what David Curtis preached a few months earlier:

"I think that Yahweh showed Abram that one of his descendants would redeem man from the curse and satisfy the justice of God."


Sermon Titled "Biblical Cosmology Part 2" at the 38:35 mark.




The Covenant Creation Alternative


The Covenant Creation Curriculum Series, Part 1, Section 1, "Thorns and Thistles" on YouTube


Update: David Curtis Shows How Temple Begins in Genesis 1-3 
September 15, 2024

“One of the most central themes in all of Scripture is that of the temple. From beginning to end, God of heaven and earth is active in creating a holy paradise where he can deal with his creation. The temple is the local center of divine presence. In the ancient Near East the temple is the home of the god.

Now, there will be disagreement about this, but where would you say that the temple theme begins in the Bible? Where would you go if someone… where would you go to talk about the first temple?

I would go to Genesis 1-3, where the temple there gets introduced as the meeting place between God and humanity. Now, you might not think of the garden as a temple, but when you compare the different temples, and the words used… I will try to give you a little bit of the idea of what we are talking about here.

The temple mediates the presence of God to His people. The Garden of Eden functions very much in that way.

The creation story is told in a period of seven days, right? That’s very significant. In the ancient Israelite’s world, temples were always dedicated with a 7-day ceremony. Eden is a proto-type of the tabernacle and temple. Just as the entrance to Israel’s first temple faced east, and was situated on a mountain (Ex. 15), the temple described in Ezekiel was also to face east (Ez. 40:6) and to be built on a mountain. Similarly, Eden’s entrance faces east (Gen. 3:24) and was on a mountain (Ez. 28:14).

So these temple things are tied in with Eden…”

-Pastor David Curtis, “We Are the Temple (1Peter 2:4-8a)” sermon from 09-15-24, beginning at 09:32 minutes.

Video Clip Here

October, 2024


Zach Davis Discusses the Old Covenant Before Sinai

Zach Davis Suggests the Old Covenant Begins with Adam



"Theologians sometimes use 'Old Covenant' to refer to the Mosaic covenant. There is truth to this in that the Mosaic covenant published most fully the distinctive character of the Adamic covenant under curse. Yet, ultimately, the Old Covenant is the covenant of the original garden of Eden. Ultimately there are two covenants, Old and New. There are two Adams, Adam and Jesus. There are two heavens and earth, the first in Adam and the second in Christ."


James B. Jordan, Through New Eyes (1988), p. 311.




Favorite Quotes from Wider Scholarship Demonstrating Covenant Creation
























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