Young Earth Creationism, Geocentricity, and Flat Earth Cosmology Archive
What does it mean to take Genesis creation "literally"?
Young-Earth Creationism is currently divided among factions that each claim to be the "literal" reading of Genesis creation, including Heliocentrism, Geocentrism, and Flat Earth Cosmology.
It may surprise the reader who investigates this controversy within the YEC movement that, rather than being objective and clear, those who promote a "literal" view cannot agree on the meaning of Genesis creation as a description of the origin or characteristics of the physical universe.
Perhaps some literal approaches to Genesis creation are "more literal" than other "literal" views? Or maybe the problem is the unexamined presupposition that Genesis describes the origin of the material world and gives scientific detail related to the physical universe?
This page serves as an archive to articles, recordings, and other material related to the infighting among young-earth models, each of which are proposed as the "plain literal" reading of Genesis creation. We offer this material to the thoughtful reader as a demonstration, along with some articles that introduce Covenant Creation as a coherent, biblical alternative.
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Conflicting YEC Views of "Literal" Creation:
"Going to be a battle between Covenant Creation and us, basically." Dr. Jordan Grant
Covenant Creation as the Coherent Alternative:
Slide 14 from "A New (Improved) History of the Covenant Universe"
"Theologians sometimes use 'Old Covenant' to refer to the Mosaic covenant. There is truth to this in that the Mosaic covenant published most fully the distinctive character of the Adamic covenant under curse. Yet, ultimately, the Old Covenant is the covenant of the original garden of Eden. Ultimately there are two covenants, Old and New. There are two Adams, Adam and Jesus. There are two heavens and earth, the first in Adam and the second in Christ."
James B. Jordan, Through New Eyes (1988), p. 311.
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click here to read Beyond Creation Science: New Covenant Creation from Genesis to Revelation
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