Grand Canyon Backpacking, 2005 - Part 3
(Part 1 , Part 2
    After we returned to the Bright Angel Campground weGC05_RibbonFalls03.jpg had enough time for one more side trip. We left most of our gear in camp and headed north up the Kaibab Trail to Ribbon Falls. This remarkable place was well worth the extra miles. The waterfall drops off a rock ledge for a couple of hundred feet before pooling at the bottom of this natural alcove. Apparently, the dissolved minerals in the water have caused a huge formation to build from the ground upwards toward the source of the water. If the temperature had been hot, then we would have hung out below the falls in the upper pool. This is an unforgettable place.
    The next day began the grueling lastGC05_Reststop03.jpg day climb back up to the South Rim. We gained about 5000 feet of elevation in less than 8 miles of trail. At least our packs were much lighter than our first downhill hike on day 1. But this was the hard part. As we ascended, the trail and surrounding landscape changed colors as we went from one geological layer to the next. We finished off our snack food trying to find that last bit of energy to carry us to the top.
    We had perfect weather up until this time, but we could tell by the time we woke up that last morning that things were changing. Wave after wave of cloud-cover rolled in, and the drizzle came and went. These changing conditions made for some excellent photography. The trail conditions deteriorated as we climbed toward the end. The temperatures were falling as well. We stayed warm as we worked up the trail, but everyone was dog tired by this time. Just a few more miles...
    The trip was an intensive physical challenge. But at the same time it was also refreshing. The paradox gave us plenty of food for thought. We GC05_KaibabTr01.jpgcame to this place and exerted a great deal of energy, but God saw to it that we left with more than we brought. We were at the mercy of the elements and weather, things that were entirely beyond our control. We had to rely upon one another and upon God to make it through the details. It is hard to go wrong when you go to a place like this to marvel at the majesty and beauty of God and his works. Micaiah and Caleb will never forget the experience. They grew up a bit during the trip by persevering through all the challenges they faced. Their horizons were broadened by all the experiences they enjoyed, too. They are ready to go back into the canyon; this time with their little sister and grandpa. And perhaps you if you are interested. It is still possible to join us for the March trip in 2008.
    The solitude, silence, and majestic beauty of this place was good for every part of us, mind and soul included. We all left the canyon with great reverance and in awe of God. We also took home a sense of boldness, a quiet confidence, earned through the fire of testing.
    I came out of the canyon ready to go home and finish the old edition (2nd edition) 2nd_ed_BCS.jpg of Beyond Creation Science. A lot of the direction and concepts fleshed out in that little book came to me while on this Grand Canyon adventure. By May, 2005, the new book was complete. Just in time; I carried 60 copies to the very first  preterist conference to which I was invited to speak in Sparta, North Carolina. There were no books left to bring home from North Carolina, and I had great follow-up discussion with people I first met at that conference. Of course, the new edition of Beyond Creation Science makes that old edition obsolete. I do still have a few copies left if anyone is interested in buying a copy to keep a bit of the history of this project for the future. You can order (while supplies last) by clicking on the picture.
    I hope you have enjoyed the description of our Grand Canyon backpacking trip. E-mail me if you have any questions or comments about some of your own outdoor experiences in God's world.
Tim Martin 


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Watch Tim and Friends Raft Bear Trap Canyon

Glacier National Park Trip 2008

Montana Fun in the Winter Sun: SubZero Swimming


2005 Grand Canyon Trip pictures - Part 3


Time To Head Out
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