Flat Earth Cosmology Flood Geology -- I Have Questions
by Tim Martin
February 2023
Creation and Noah's flood go together in the early chapters of our Bible. But do you know what I find most interesting? Advocates of Flat Earth Cosmology don't say much about how their "literal" understanding of creation in Genesis 1 has monumental implication for a supposed "literal" reading of Noah's flood.
More traditional "global flood" models have been worked out to be coherent, at least on a surface reading. And global flood proponents have thought deeply about the logical connections between their view of Genesis 1 and the theology of the flood, the fall and curse on Adam and Eve.
Let's do a little thought experiment to illustrate the unique problems for Flat Earth Cosmology Flood Geology. Take out your thinking cap and use your imagination to understand the profound challenges for integrating Noah's flood with Flat Earth conceptions.
Were all the continents involved? Was the land mass all together? No high mountains or deserts before the flood, since the flood changed the topography of Planet Earth? No, wait. Scratch that. Not "Planet Earth" for Flat Earth Cosmology.
Young-earth creationists teach that there were no polar ice caps before the flood. Doesn't that look like a really big "whoopsie" right there for Flat Earth Cosmology?
In fact, the basis for this teaching in modern Young Earth theory is the fossil record in Antarctica. This article shows that both fossilized dinosaurs and fossilized forests have been discovered in Antarctica. Which means, if you think about it for a second, the place we call Antarctica was not a land of ice and snow in our (supposedly recent) past. Which leads us to the next question for Flat Earth. Without snow and ice in the (supposedly recent) past, what kept the oceans from pouring off the edge of the world?
Or consider the difficulty for Flat Earth and Noah's Flood going a different direction.
Did the waters of Noah's flood crest and spill over the ice walls? Sort of like waters running overflow in big bowl? Maybe running down in the pillars that hold up the foundation of the earth below?
Did that create simultaneous earthquakes as the pillars holding up the earth washed out? Is this why we have oceans today? God didn't create the oceans we know today, right? They are the effect of Noah's flood... no wait!
All that water came from above the dome, right? It came falling down through the windows of heaven, right? So there is way more water on the earth now than when God created the flat earth in Genesis 1? Please explain that transition to a more watery world than God originally created? And when Genesis says "the waters were dried up from the earth" (Genesis 8:13) after the flood ended, that means no more oceans, right? Here is where it gets a bit weird. More water from above the dome, to no water on earth? Do people really believe this Flat Earth nonsense?
It doesn't really matter which way the Flat Earth wants to handle these logistical issues that appear to anyone actually thinking about it.
If the ice caps didn't exist before the flood, then what kept the oceans in check? And if the ice caps were there BEFORE the flood, wouldn't that limit the water's rise in Noah's day, so that it could not cover all the mountains on the earth? Doesn't water always stay level, many thousands of feet BELOW the high mountains? This new model for flood geology will need a lot of imagination. Mountains are higher than the ice walls by tens of thousands of feet!
Speaking of mountains, I just had another question pop into my head. If the flood only covered the earth to the depth of the "ice wall," maybe a couple of hundred of feet high, then what in the world would cause mountains to jet in the sky for many tens of thousands of feet? Did a Flat Earth flood really make the mountains so high? Maybe Noah's flood doesn't have anything to do with Mt Everist and the other peaks around the world? And here, maybe... just maybe we could make some progress on this bewildering issue.
Flat Earth ideologues reject a global flood, so that means they hold to a local flood, right? Like a local sun that gives light to the earth? Now we are getting somewhere with consistency!
This issue of the consistency is highlighted by Covenant Creation which shows that Noah's flood is presented in the covenant context of the geneology of Seth (Gen 5). That covenant context demonstrates a local flood related God's covenant people which had become corrupt. (See Beyond Creation Science, Chapters 7-12). Also, Covenant Creation explains why the sun moon and stars were made "for signs and seasons, and for days and years" referencing the sacrificial worship system along with the Feasts of Israel (Genesis 1:14) and are specifically made "to give light to the earth" -- God's covenant people. (Genesis 1:15, 17)
If you would like to learn more about how Covenant Creation integrates creation, curse and Noah's flood into a consistent and seamless whole that connects with a matching understanding of fulfilled prophecy, please see the 2009 Covenant Creation Conference presentation titled "The Covenant Context of Creation, the Curse, and Noah's Flood."
Many questions remain for how Flat Earth Cosmology proponents understand what many call a "global flood." Makes you wonder if they have put much thought into the issue?